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Sample Videos from Netter's Online Dissection Modules by UNC at Chapel Hill
UNC 1. Posterior Neck and Suboccipital Region: Step 5. Suboccipital triangle UNC 2. Posterior Neck and Suboccipital Region: Step 6. Exposure of the posterior arch of C1 and related str UNC 3. Posterior Neck and Suboccipital Region: Step 7. Vertebral artery and suboccipital nerve UNC 4. Anterior Neck: Step 6. Infrahyoid and digastric muscles; submandibular gland UNC 5. Anterior Neck: Step 7. Subdivisions of the anterior triangle UNC 6. Brain: Step 1. Cerebral hemispheres, lobes, fissures, gyri and sulci UNC 7. Brain: Step 2. Diencephalon: mammillary bodies, pituitary gland, tuber cinereum, optic nerves, and p UNC 8. Brain: Step 3. Mesencephalon: cerebral peduncles, interpeduncular fossa, oculomotor nerve, trochlear UNC 9. Brain: Step 4. Metencephalon: pons and cerebellum and associated cranial nerves UNC 10. Brain: Step 5. Medulla oblongata: olive, pyraminds, apertures, and choroid plexus of the fourth vent UNC 11. Brain: Step 6. Cerebral arterial circle (of Willis) UNC 12. Brain: Step 7. Middle, anterior and posterior cerebral arteries UNC 13. Brain: Step 8. Midsagittal section of the brain UNC 14. Brain: Step 9. CN III, V, and VI in the floor of the cranial cavity; trigeminal cave and ganglion; m UNC 15. Cranial Cavity and Dural Venous Sinuses: Step 10. Reflection of the tentorium cerebelli and removal UNC 16. Cranial Cavity and Dural Venous Sinuses: Step 11. Dural venous sinuses UNC 17. Eye and Orbit I: Step 2. Frontal nerve UNC 18. Eye and Orbit I: Step 3. Superior oblique muscle; trochlear and lacrimal nerves UNC 19. Osteology of the Head and Neck: Step 7. Cranial sutures UNC 20. Osteology of the Head and Neck: Step 19. Foramina in the base of the skull UNC 21. Vertebral Column and Its Contents: Step 2. Epidural space and dura mater UNC 22. Vertebral Column and Its Contents: Step 3. Spinal cord, conus medullaris, internal filum terminale, UNC 23. Coronary Circulation and Internal Structure of the Heart: Step 4. Internal anatomy of the right atri UNC 24. Coronary Circulation and Internal Structure of the Heart: Step 5. Internal anatomy of the right vent UNC 25. Posterior Mediastinum, Azygos System: Step 1. Vagus and recurrent laryngeal nerves UNC 26. Posterior Mediastinum, Azygos System: Step 2. Relationship of the esophagus to the tracheal bifurcat UNC 27. Anterior Abdominal Wall and Abdominal Viscera in situ: Step 11. Ligaments of the liver UNC 28. Anterior Abdominal Wall and Abdominal Viscera in situ: Step 12. Abdominal viscera in situ UNC 29. Stomach, Duodenum, Portal System, and Inferior Mesenteric Artery: Step 8. Internal anatomy of the du UNC 30. Stomach, Duodenum, Portal System, and Inferior Mesenteric Artery: Step 9. Duct system within the pan UNC 31. Female Pelvic Viscera: Step 1. Pelvic viscera in situ UNC 32. Female Pelvic Viscera: Step 5. Pelvic ligaments and uterine tube UNC 33. Somatic Nerves of the Greater and Lesser Pelvis; Pelvic Diaphragm: Step 6. Lumbosacral trunk and sac UNC 34. Somatic Nerves of the Greater and Lesser Pelvis; Pelvic Diaphragm: Step 7. Obturator internus fascia UNC 35. Posterior Shoulder: Step 2. Rhomboid major, rhomboid minor, and levator scapulae muscles; accessory UNC 36. Posterior Shoulder: Step 3. Innervation of the rhomboid and latissimus dorsi muscles; the dorsal sca UNC 37. Flexor Surface of the Forearm: Step 4. Pronator teres and muscular branches of the median nerve UNC 38. Flexor Surface of the Forearm: Step 5. Sectioning of first layer of flexor muscles UNC 39. Medial and Anterior Thigh: Step 4. Sartorius muscle; medial and lateral intermuscular septa UNC 40. Medial and Anterior Thigh: Step 5. Quadriceps femoris muscle UNC 41. Popliteal Fossa, Knee Joint, and Posterior Compartment of the Leg: Step 5. Triceps surae and its inn UNC 42. Popliteal Fossa, Knee Joint, and Posterior Compartment of the Leg: Step 6. Contents of the deep post