Head & Neck (175)
- Plate 139 (S-38). Hippocampus and Fornix
- Plate 140 (S-40). Brain Stem
- Plate 141 (S-41). Ventricles and Cerebellum
- Plate 142 (S-42). Cerebellum
- Plate 143 (S-54). Cranial Nerve Nuclei in Brain Stem: Schema
- Plate 144 (S-55). Cranial Nerve Nuclei in Brain Stem: Schema (continued)
- Plate 145 (S-53). Cranial Nerves (Motor and Sensory Distribution): Schema
- Plate 146 (S-56). Olfactory Nerve (CN I) and Olfactory Oathways: Schema
- Plate 147 (S-57). Optic Nerve (CN II) and Visual Pathway: Schema