Digestive System (82)

  • Autonomic Innervation of Pancreas: Schema
    Plate S-457 (329). Autonomic Innervation of Pancreas: Schema
  • Intrinsic Nerves and Variations in Nerves of Esophagus
    Plate S-BP65 (BP48). Intrinsic Nerves and Variations in Nerves of Esophagus
  • Arteries of Esophagus: Variations
    Plate S-BP66 (BP49). Arteries of Esophagus: Variations
  • Variations in Position and Contour of Stomach in Relation to Body Habitus
    Plate S-BP67 (BP55). Variations in Position and Contour of Stomach in Relation to Body Habitus
  • Layers of Duodenal Wall
    Plate S-BP68 (BP56). Layers of Duodenal Wall
  • CT and MRCP Showing Appendix, Gallbladder, and Ducts; Nerve Branches of Hepatic Artery
    Plate S-BP69 (BP57). CT and MRCP Showing Appendix, Gallbladder, and Ducts; Nerve Branches of Hepatic Artery
  • Topography of Liver
    Plate S-BP70 (BP58). Topography of Liver
  • Variations in Form of Liver
    Plate S-BP71 (BP59). Variations in Form of Liver
  • Sigmoid Colon: Variations in Position
    Plate S-BP72 (BP60). Sigmoid Colon: Variations in Position