The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations Musculoskeletal System Part II Spine And Lower Limb 2nd Edition
The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations Musculoskeletal System Part II Spine And Lower Limb 2nd Edition
Author(s): By Joseph P. Iannotti, MD, PhD and Richard D. Parker, MD
Many of Frank Netter's original illustrations have stood the test of time. His work depicting basic musculoskeletal anatomy and relevant surgical anatomy and exposures have remained unaltered in the current series. His illustrations demonstrated the principles of treatment or the manifestation of musculoskeletal diseases and were rendered in a manner that only a physician-artist could render.
This edition of musculoskeletal illustrations has been updated with modern text and our current understanding of the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of a wide array of diseases and conditions. We have added new illustrations and radiographic and advanced
imaging to supplement the original art. We expect that this series will prove to be useful to a wide spectrum of both students and teachers at every level.
Part I covers specific disorders of the upper limb including anatomy, trauma, and degenerative and acquired disorders.
Part II covers these same areas in the lower limb and spine.
Part III covers the basic science of the musculoskeletal system, metabolic bone disease, rheumatologic diseases, musculoskeletal tumors, the sequelae of trauma, and congenital deformities.
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